Tuesday, January 22, 2013


 1_ What made you decide to enroll in the BA Visual Studies program instead of the BFA?

2_ Why did you choose to come to Tyler?

3_ What is the first memory you have?

4_ What is one of your guilty pleasures?

5_ Name 10 of  your favorite songs of all time

6_ What do you read? Who do you read?

7_ What are your specific interests in the Visual Studies program? Curatorial studies, art history, equal amount of studio and academic classes, etc?

8_ What is your favorite article of clothing?

9_ In your opinion what is one of the most mediocre pieces of art?

10__ If you could have dinner with one person that is no longer living, deceased, who would it be?

11_ What do you like the look of?

12_ What is the first piece of art that ever made a mark on you, if any?

13_ If not ______________ then ________________ .

14_ Name one embarrassing moment in your life? (Preferably the most embarrassing)

15_ Name a film that that stirred you

16_ If you could live in a moment still for 7 hours, where would it be, what time would it be and who would you be with?

17_ Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

18_ What did your grandparents do?

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